eWallie is an electronic wallet and payment platform that allows users to send and receive money, pay bills, buy goods and services, do online shopping, pay salaries, and more. It is easy and convenient and works both online.eWallie supports VISA and Master Cards payments and has been integrated with some banks.eWallie is not just a money transfer Platform; it serves the following:• e-Commerce & Market Place Module Dual Currency Online Shopping Online Selling Instant Payments at eWallie POS Integrated POS and e-Cashiers Payments of Subscription Services (Bills, Fees, etc…) Cash-Flow Management• Mobile Money & Electronic Wallet Module Cash Transfers (person to person) eWallie to Bank Account & vice versa Cash-in or Cash-out at Banks / vendors Top-Up with Debit or Credit Card Cash-flow Management Agent Network / Agent Management• Corporate & Government Solutions Salary Payments Bulk Payments (to staff or vendors) Real-time tax Collection Central and local gov. fees and taxes Gas Coupon Distribution Scratch Cards / Air-Time• Others… Multiple level Security Rapid Sign-On using self-registration (no agent needed at sign-on)